
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Too busy to make money

Don’t be too busy with routine jobs in your business to spend time finding ways to grow.

Many small business owners want to be involved in everything every day. After all, they set up most of the procedures and ways things are done. So it’s only natural that they want to keep their hands in the mix all the time. But doing the work is not the secret to making money. It actually takes you away from the things that can grow your business. There’s just no time left for marketing so they put it on the back burner. So new business suffers.

They decide they want to do some new advertising or a direct mail project, but there’s no time now. Running the business is just too time-consuming and they can’t fit it in. There never seems to be time for anything new and they are always complaining about all the hours they work. The business is not growing because no one is doing what it takes to make it grow. Does any of this sound familiar? If it does, read on!

The small business owner with their marketing hands tied needs to do two things – delegate and outsource . There are always reliable people on staff or available that can easily take some of the load off the owner. Letting go of some business duties is difficult until you see someone doing it as well as you did. You might even be surprised at how well things go along without you. You should have done this a long time ago. Give someone a chance to prove how well he/she can accept the responsibility of added duties. There may be someone right now just waiting and ready to take over what you want to unload.

People in most companies want added responsibilities so they can prove that they can handle them. Employees need to grow along with the company. Give them a chance so you can spend more time planning how to increase sales and market share. It doesn’t just happen unless you make it happen .

Other things can be outsourced to other companies who specialize in those fields. Payroll, accounting, and even telemarketing are time consuming and can be easily outsourced. Check several companies and ask for quotes and references. In some cases, they will be done faster and better than you can do yourself.

Don’t be too busy with routine jobs in your business to spend time finding ways to grow. As your business gets bigger, you have to force yourself to let go of some duties and free up time. Your company won’t grow without your input, be there when it needs you.

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